Friday, April 29, 2011

Watch The Nominations Announcement For The 2011 Academy Awards LIVE

The nominations for the 2011 Academy Awards will be announced LIVE in Hollywood, CA at 8AM ET/ 5AM PT on Tuesday January 25 and YOU will be able to watch the nomination announcements as they are made right here on the blog. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences have made available a live [...]

Paris Hilton rounded up some of her dogs (the names of which I’ve lost track of, to be honest) so that she could look the part of the happy pet owner for a gaggle of paparazzi and was snapped in a fairly unflattering squat position.

Now, I’m not sure if she as trying to teach the dogs … something … but this position is not a good one for dear sweet Paris. I think the last time I saw Paris Hilton in this position she was doing really unseemly things to a gentleman in a night-vision lit bedroom. Yeah, not a good memory. Ick.

[Photo credit: X17]

Jessica Simpson
clip earrings
Franklin Roosevelt
Peter Kitchell

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