Sunday, April 10, 2011

Arts-and-Entertainment:Music from

Assembling tracks from their 2003-2010 world tours, Pearl Jam released their latest album, 'Live on Ten Legs' back in January. Attainable on April 12th on commemorative vinyl records, re-releases of 'Vs.' and 'Vitalogy', the group's second and third albums consecutively, followed by the release of 'Live on Ten Legs' signaling the twentieth anniversary of the band. This year will also see the release of Cameron Crowe's documentary, 'Pearl Jam Twenty' paired with a 250 page book commemorating the group's past this fall. Affirming that even after two decades, Pearl Jam is still thriving, there is also a 20th anniversary weekend bash in mind for this summer.

Charles Lindbergh
internet articles
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