Thursday, November 8, 2007

Educational Software for Home Schoolers

If you have chosen to home school your child you may be curious as to the possible benefits of incorporating educational software into your child's curriculum. Do educational software programs replace teaching? You may ask "will using this software help or hinder my child's learning?" New educational software programs help parents with their efforts to provide quality education while also offering children a rich and entertaining medium to learn skills and acquire knowledge related to their curriculum. Children find learning easier when they can be drawn into the experience. Cute animations and popular characters will not build your child's skills or even hold their attention if they do not teach or challenge your child. Games may adapt themselves based on your child's performance or levels can be selected by the child for each game. Educational software has its place: Educational software is a great compliment to the Home schooling curriculum. Once basic skills are learned, games and interactive books can offer your child a forum to build their skill levels or delve deeper into a topic of interest. For younger children, these programs can introduce shapes, letters, numbers and teach useful computer skills.

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